Are you a Guinea Pig when you pay to participate?

Welcome to our three hour tour.   Last year when we entered the Guinea Pig 3 we had no idea what we were in for. It was our second competition ever and we were so overwhelmed with everything that a competition entails that we didn’t even understand...

brisket trim overview

Brisket Trim 102

As I am sure many of you have heard the horror stories of cooking brisket and that is is the hard meat to cook. This is a review of the whole packer trim....

Rad Fondo Mariachi Band

When the Smoke Cleared

I posted on Facebook the other night “The smoke has cleared and the 2017 Newport Beach BBQ Competition is over”....

brisket flat

It Starts with Why

To split or not to split (the Brisket)   There is a video titled “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek that has always resonated with me. I have added a link to it at the bottom of the page. After reading this blog you may want to...

practice butts

Practice, You Talking About Practice?

So I texted Scott late Friday night and let him know that I had to go into work for a few hours on Saturday morning and wanted to see if he could come up and go over a few things we have been working on...

Sam’s Club National BBQ Tour

Out of our Southern Comfort Zone

Last night I received an email from Shuji saying the Sam’s Club National BBQ Tour opened for registration. The Sam’s Tour is big league competition BBQ. ...

potato skins

Twice Baked Potatoes

Who doesn’t like some good old fashioned potato skins for an appetizer? Think they are best from your favorite restaurant or hot out of the oven? Well think twice because Rad Fondo is going to break off the digits for their twice baked potatoes in...

rad fondo hunsaker drum smoker

Heading into the Vortex

Rad Fondo BBQ joins Team Hunsaker   Many of you are familiar with my brisket journey and some even know the path I have taken over the last 16-months on my choice of smoker. This blog is really how a simple twist of fate can affect your...

Mike at the Harry Soo backyard competiton

Blame it All on Harry Soo!

Slap Yo Daddy about sums it all up.   Everyone is a newbie at some point. Scott was at one point and you have been following along as he has forged his way down the brisket trail. Just before I joined forces with Scott, I dipped my...