Norco CA, June, 2106
Another Friday, another drive to a BBQ comp. this time it was at an equestrian center out in Norco. Pretty unconventional place for a comp. It was under a giant covered horse corral about the size of several football fields. By the time we arrived there were only a few spots left on the far side of the corral. This actually proved to be a good thing as once everyone began lighting their smokers Friday night the entire area looked like a Cheech and Chong Movie. Being on the outside was bad but not nearly as rough as the middle. Met some new friends – Nothing Compares 2 Q and Jim from Big Red stopped by for a few beers. He has joined forces with Smokin’ Money with Big Red for 2016. Norco also had TV VIP’s Harry Soo, Big Moe Cason and Junior Urias in the mix to make the competition even tougher. Once again there were a number of new rookie teams in attendance but we were noticing a disturbing trend. We were the only one that keep returning. This is a problem that needs to be addressed for sure. We ended up with a call in ribs, 15th in brisket (Scott is beginning to figure brisket out) and ended up 15th overall! Our first top half finish and earned us some big points for the ROY race. Had a great comp and enjoyed hanging out with our BBQ friends. Also have to mention that Sylvie and Gregg from Lady of Q are saying hello and we got to spend some time with Monkey and the crew at Jet Coatings. Time to pack up and get back to practicing.